【同义词辨析】 2018-08-03 多思thoughtful-pensive

thoughtful: may imply either the act of thinking in a concentrated manner OR the disposition to apply oneself to careful and serious thought about specific problems or questions: demonstrated a ~ mind. (apply oneself to致力于)

reflective: suggests the use of analysis or logical reasoning with a definite aim: a philosopher of ~ bent. 爱好   (analysis分析是指从结果查找原因,是逆向逻辑推理,logical reasoning没有译出。逻辑logical是指讲顺序orderly或sequential,而推理reason是指有逻辑即有顺序的思考)

speculative: suggests a tendency to think about things so abstract or unknowable that any conclusions are bound to be uncertain; the term often implies theorizing with little consideration of the evidence: theories about the origins of the universe that are as yet ~.            as yet至今迄今

contemplative: implies an attention fixed on the object of thought or a habit of mind: hoped for a calmer, more ~ life in retirement. (contemplate还表示凝视,也是锁定目光未必要发现什么,只是欣赏凝神,如a relaxed moment contemplating the sunset轻松的凝视日落)  

meditative: suggests a tendency to ponder or muse over something but without necessarily any purpose other than pleasure: allowed himself the luxury of a few ~ minutes every day. (muse也是冥想: 如梦幻回忆的想spent the afternoon musing over the legends of the knights一下午冥想(回味)骑士传说。Muse缪斯是希腊掌管文艺的女神,比喻灵感,博物馆museum) (ponder: 长时间不一定有结果的想pondered the solution for the problem长时间考虑解决办法, ponder和muse在2017-12-27帖子中)

pensive: not always distinguishable from meditative, may carry suggestions of dreaminess, wistfulness, or melancholy: a rainy day conducive to ~ reflection. (wistful惆怅: 无法得到想要的东西而不开心,"If only I had known you then," he said wistfully"要是我那时认识你就好了", 他惆怅地说道) (conduce to导致有助于a country setting conduces to relaxation乡村环境使人放松)   melancholy: sad同义词

thoughtful认真思考有思想: 表示专注思考动作仔细思考习惯(disposition性格习惯),reflective反思的: 指应用分析能力或逻辑推理(注见词条),speculative猜测性的: 所思考的抽象不可知只能提理论无法提供证据,contemplative凝思: 是集中注意力想,但未必要追求什么结果,meditative冥想: 仅作为乐趣, 流行的休闲运动,pensive愁思: 和冥思有些接近, 表示如梦如愁,如秦观的"自在飞花轻似,无边丝语细如")

记忆方法: 1)首字母TRSCMP的TRS想成TRuthS真实,CMP想成CoMPare比较比较真实<==知识来自多思

         2)多思的意思是专注思考mean characterized by or showing the power to engage in thought, especially concentrated thinking.